Make Sure Your Website Pages Can Be Read By The Search Engines

Google Webmaster Tools provides you with detailed reports about your pages' visibility on Google.
To get started, simply add and verify your site and you'll start to see information right away.

Note: If you've already setup Google Analytics code, you do not need to register for or enter Google Webmaster Tools code. Simply go to Webmaster Tools and click the 'Verify' button.

Get Google's view of your site and diagnose problems
See how Google crawls and indexes your site and learn about specific problems they're having accessing it. These Diagnostic tools tell you about any errors that Google encounters on your website pages. For example; 404 page errors.
Here are some issues that Webmaster Tools can find:

1.  HTTP errors
2.  Not found
3.  URLs not followed
4.  URLs restricted by robots.txt
5.  URLs timed out
6.  Unreachable URLs

You’ll want Google to encounter as few errors as possible.
Therefore, you should check these reports often to make sure that no problems exist and that all your website's content is being indexed.

How To Add Google Webmaster Tools to Your Website     

To register for Google Webmaster Tools, click here.
1.  Enter in your website address.

Getting Webmaster Tools Code 

1.  Copy the code you're given.

2.  Click the 'verify' button. 


Adding The Code

1. Your Account: In your content manager, go to 'Your Account.'

2. Account Settings: Click on 'Account Settings.'

3. Embed Code: Paste the Google Webmaster code in the box.

4. Update: Click on the 'Update' button.

Logging Into Google Webmaster Tools

To login to Google Webmaster Tools, click here.

This is the screen you see when you first login to your account.

The menu on the left can show you the different sections with different possible errors.

On this main screen, you'll see 3 main sections.

Crawl Errors show you any server errors or problems Google had reaching pages on your website.

Search Queries show you information you can also find in Google Analytics, these are the number of impressions and clicks you're getting from keywords and searches.

Sitemaps are the sitemaps you can submit. To see how to submit a sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools, click here.

Reviewing Crawl Errors & Server Errors

This is how you can view pages with errors or pages you've linked to that have been deleted.

If you see any server errors, you should report them to the website's tech support, click here.
1. Health: Click on 'Health' on the left menu.

2. Crawl Errors: Click on 'Crawl Errors'.

3. Error Pages: The pages with errors will appear here.

Fixing HTML Problems To Improve SEO

Fixing duplicate content or bad titles can improve SEO and help Google understand and navigate your website.

1. Optimization: Click on 'Optimization' on the left menu.

2. HTML Improvements: Click on 'HTML Improvements'

3. Meta Description:  This refers to your 'Page Description'  you can enter in Income Activator. This page shows you if you have any duplicate descriptions or any that are too long or short.

To see more about SEO and page descriptions, click here.

4. Title Tag: This refers to the 'SEO Title' you can enter in Income Activator.  This page shows you if you have any missing or duplicate SEO titles and any that are too long or short.

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