What Is The Trigger That Creates A Billable Lead

A Lead is when a visitor to your website is shown the 'Contact Information of Your Advertiser.' 

A Billable Lead is generated when a visitor to your website 'Clicks on the Submit Button' to view the contact information of your advertiser.
The reason for asking your visitor to complete a 'Referral Form' is simply to ensure this referral is 'real' for your advertiser. It is only once your visitor clicks on the 'submit button' that they are presented with the contact information of the referral company (advertiser). The action of the click is what creates a billable referral.
The visitor's contact information usually includes their name and email address. It can also include other information captured through additional questions. You and the advertiser define and agree to what information the visitor needs to enter before they click on the submit button to view the advertiser's contact information. Regardless of the information entered, referral is made.
At the same time as the visitor 'Submits' their contact information, you have the option of being emailed the referral to monitor your website activity, and you can set it up for the referral company to be email the referral too. The referral company can also login to their account, which can be set up on your website to view their list of referrals and account balance.  
Having the visitor's information emailed to the referral company is simply a bonus. Remember that the referral is not based on the quality of the contact information emailed.  

That being said, this is a superior lead for the advertiser as someone has taken the time to 'Click on the Submit Button' to get the advertiser's contact information. 

A Lead Is NOT 

A Billable Lead is NOT base on...
1. A Sale: Never base your lead on a sale.

This is because tracking your advertiser's sales is pretty much impossible.

If your advertiser can't sell, this is not your problem. Ads placed in newspapers, Google, or on radio and TV don't base the cost of their ads on whether or not a sale in made and you shouldn't either.
A business may pay $1,000 for an ad, which may not generate any sales. With referrals you are sending people to the advertiser's website after they have read what you have said on your website, entered in their contact information and 'clicked on the submit button' to get the contact information of the advertiser.

If the referrals you're sending aren't working out for the advertiser, either improve on the quality of your leads or get another advertiser that can sell.

2. Visitor Information: The lead is not based on the information entered by the visitor.

The reason is that 'real' consumers do enter fake information. It is not unusual to see a contact name entered like, Donald Duck or President Obama and then their 'real' name comes out when they actually follow up with the advertiser. Many people are skeptical of giving their information online, although they will still contact the advertiser. You've probably entered fake names and email addresses yourself, and so has your advertiser. So they'll get it.

On the rare occasion, a person may return to your website to get the contact information of your advertiser again which you can track as a duplicate leads and delete it so that you're not double billing your advertiser. You'll know its a double because of either their information or IP Address will match.

Advertiser's Contact Information

You have the option of sending your visitor to the advertiser's website directly, or to a 'Landing Page' you create that gives the visitor the concise information catered to promoting them to contact the advertiser. 

Creating a Landing Page is the best option as you can give the visitor the advertiser's contact information and give them an action to do.

Directing your visitor simply to their website might not provide them with the right action to take to contact the advertiser.

The best alternative is to embed the advertiser's website into your website and add an action on your website page of what the visitor should do. Here's an example

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