Checking Your Revenue From Each Advertiser

The 'Revenue By Company' page allows you to review referrals and revenue that you send to each specific advertiser (referral company).

On your top menu, go to 'Referrals', and then click 'Revenue By Company'.

1. Referral Company: Click on the referral company on the right, their details will open on the left side.

Reviewing Referral Revenue By Company

1. Print Invoice:  Select a date range above, click on 'View', then click on the 'Print Invoice' link to view your invoice. To the right you'll see the Date Range Total and the Balance owed to you. 

2. Date Range: Select a date range to view referrals and revenue, then click on 'View'.
To show all referral revenue click on the link 'Show All Referral Revenue'.

3. Program & Referrals: This is your lead program title. Under that are the referrals for that program, in the date range selected.
The table shows you each referral, the time it happened, and the first name and email address of your visitor.

4. Totals:  These are the subtotal, taxes, and total revenue for this Referral Program.

5. View Referral: Click on 'View Referral' to view all of the information this visitor submitted into your referral form.

Reviewing Referral Revenue By Date

To view your revenue by date, click on the top bar 'Referrals' then from the dropdown menu click on 'Revenue By Date'.

1. Day: Click on a day on the right to view referrals from that day, the details will appear on the left.


Reviewing Referral Revenue By Date

To view your revenue by date, click on the top bar 'Referrals' then from the dropdown menu click on 'Revenue By Date'.

1. Referral Rate: This is your lead program and the referral rate you selected. Below it are the referrals that occurred on the day you selected.

2. Company Name: This is the name of your advertiser.

3. Program Title: This is the lead program your advertiser is a part of.

4. Referral Count: This is the number of leads you sent on that day.

5. Daily Revenue: This is the amount you made on that day, from that advertiser.

In the example shown 2 companies each got 2 leads at $10 each. The total for that day was $40. 

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