You can set your website to change its text to different languages by using Google's Translator.
You can easily set that up in your editor by clicking on the top bar entitled Accounts, clicking on Accounts Settings form the dropdown menu, and scrolling down to the Addilional Website Features section and clicking on the Show Lanuage Translator box. The Translator will appear on your website above the top bar.

Country Flags
You can also set your website up to be display in the languages below, indicated by the flags of their countries.
This is what the Language Translator will look link on page.
How to add this to your website
Copy this code:
<script type="text/javascript"src=""></script>
Then open up the page you want to put this image on.
1. At the bottom of your Content Editor click on the HTML link.
2. Paste the code in, and click on the SAVE button.
You will only see the image when yo click to VIEW your page.