This page will show you the process of making an order in Your Store that a visitor to your website will go through.
The visitor starts by clicking on one of your Products to view more information about it. 

Once a visitor clicks a Product, they will go to the Product Detail page below.
If they want to purchase the Product, they can click 'Add Product To Cart'.
A visitor can have unlimited Products in their Shopping Cart, as well as order more than 1 of a Product.

Once a visitor has added a Product to their Shopping Cart, they come to the 'Your Shopping Cart' page.
 From here they can review what Products they have in their Shopping Cart.
They can increase the Quantity of a Product.
They can Remove a Product from their Shopping Cart. 
Once they are happy with their Shopping Cart, they click 'Continue To Checkout'. 

This Page collects all the Address, Contact, and Login information from the visitor.
They now fill out the form as a new Customer, or Login as a Returning Customer.
When they are done, they click 'Continue' to proceed to the Payment section. 

3 More To Still Add

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