How To Add A Affiliate Registration Form To Your Website Pages

You can create a page on your website to allow your store's affiliate partners to to register to put a link on their website and make a Commission. You can place affiliate registration forms on any of your website pages.

Once you have affiliate partners registered on your website, you can place a link on the bottom of your website that goes to a login page.

1. Affiliate Registration Page  You can create a page and put the link to the page on the top or bottom of your website.

2. Affiliate Login Link  You can place a link on the bottom of your website that goes to a page that allows your affiliate partners to log in to your website to view their sales and Commissions. To see how to do this, click here.

How To Add A Referral Registration Form To Your Website

Here's how to attach a Registration Form to your website so that affiliates can sign up to promote your online store.
Below is what a affiliate registration form on a website page would look like. To view a live affiliate registration form, click here.

1. Page Content You can place the registration form on any page and add any of your content above it. You might want to include aa brief description of your affiliate program, the products you sell, and the Commission rate your affiliate will receive.

2. Affiliate Registration Form  The registration form will always appear under your page content. The title and fields are pre-made and ask the everything you will need to register a company for your affiliate program.
3. Login Email  The affiliate registering enters in their email that they can use to login to the referral section of your website to see their activity.

4. Login Password  The affiliate registering enters in a password that they can use to login to the referral section of your website to see their activity.
5. Register Button When the company clicks the 'Register' button they get get a message saying that they will be notified by email upon approval which may take up to 2 business days. However if they need to they can contact you directly.
Their registration application is automatically stored in your website's administration section. To access it all you need to do is click on the top bar 'Your Store', then click on the dropdown 'Affiliates'. 
You will also receive an email notification of their registration. This will go to the email address of the website owner or you can set your email notification to go to a different email address by clicking on Your Account, Account Settings, and entering a different email address in the Email Notifications section.

Adding An Affiliate Registration Form to Your Website

You can allow companies to register for your Pay Per Click Referral Program online. 
Here's how to attach a Pay Per Click Registration Form.
1. Edit A Page  Click on the page you want to add the registration form to. The form will be added under the Page Content of this Page.

2. Advanced Settings Tab  Click the 'Advanced Settings' tab.
3. Select A Registration Form Check off the box 'Show Affiliate Registration Form'

4. Save Click the 'Save' button. The form will appear below your page content. Click on the 'View' link to the right of the page title to view your page.

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