Example Of An Embedded Website

You can direct a Visitor to a page with your referral company's website embedded on it.

This keeps your visitor on your website while giving them the information they were looking for.

If you send a visitor to another website they can feel lost and disconnected.

1. Embedded Website  This is the referral company's website embedded into a page on your website. Your visitors can still the embedded website and click the links within it.

How To Generate The Code Needed To Embed A Website

To embed a website, go to the top menu 'Pages', then from the dropdown click on 'Embed A Website'.

1. Embedded Website  Paste or enter the website address in this box. You must include the http:// before the domain.

2. Generate Code  Click the 'Generate Code' button.

3. Embed Code  Select all of the code inside in this box and copy it.

How To Embed The Website Into Your Website

Now go to the top menu 'Referrals', then from the dropdown click on 'Referral Companies'.

Click on the referral company you want to edit, then click on the 'Lead Generation Program Settings' tab.

Scroll down to 'This Company's Landing Page' section. 

1. Embed  Click on the 'Embed A YouTube Video' icon.

2. Paste Code In the window that pops up, paste the code you copied.

3. Insert  Click on the 'Insert' button.

4. Embedded Website  The embedded website will show up in the content editor.

5. Page Title  Enter a page title for this page.

6. Contact Information  You have the option of including the company's contact information above the embedded website.

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