How To Edit A Referral Form

Editing a referral form is very similar to editing an information or opt-in form. On the top menu go to 'Forms', then from the dropdown go to 'Edit A Form'.

All of your information and referral forms are located in the table to the right of this page. Referral forms will have a program listed beside the title.

Note: The changes you make to your form will automatically update your embedded forms on your website and other websites, you do not need to re-embed your form.

1. Edit Form Click on the referral form you want to edit.

How To Edit A Referral Form

Each tab at the top of the page allows you to edit each part of your form.
Form Settings Edit your form title, formatting, and placement.

Form Questions  Edit your referral questions and regular form questions

Emails Sent Out Edit the email that goes to you, as well as the email that goes to visitors who land on your No Referral Found Page.

Data Collection View the form submissions and data collected here. You can download your form data as well.

1. Pages Showing Form This table shows your website pages that have your form attached to the top or bottom.

2. Show Form On Page  This is a list of all your website pages, you can check off which pages you want to attach this form to. The pages that are already checked off and bold are already showing this form. 

3. Embed Form On Your Own Website To do this, copy the code in this box. In the brackets is your form's ID number which you can use to identify this form.

4. Embed Your Form On Another Website Or Blog To do this, copy the code in this box and then paste it into the HTML code of the website page or Blog you want to show the form on.

5. Update  Click the 'Update' button to save your changes.

How To Edit A Referral Form

Editing referral form questions are different than information form questions.

1. Add Question To add a regular form question, use this section. These could be questions asking for Name, Email Address, Telephone, Comments.

2. Regular Form Questions  Your regular form questions will show up here.

3. Location Referral Question  These questions will have a bold title above it. You can edit the question here, to edit the answers you need to go to the Referral Companies page and edit the locations that each company services.
You can also add any No Referral Found answers, as well as change the question order.

4. Trigger Referral Question  Your trigger question will also have a bold title. You can edit the trigger question here, to edit the answers you need  to go to the Referral Companies page and edit the trigger answers for each company.
You can also add any No Referral Found answers, as well as change the question order.

 To delete a referral question simply click the 'Delete This Question' link, you will be able  to easily re-add it to your form after you delete it by clicking another link.

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