It's easy to sign up for Google Gmail.
It's Free and will allow you greater access to some of the reporting tools Google has to offer like their Adwords program.
In the Keyword Planner section of the Adwords program tells you which Keywords people are searching.
Knowing that will give you a good indication if what you want to sell on the Internet is already being searched for.

Google keeps changing its sign up page so try clicking here, or search for 'Google Gmail Sign Up.'
You should get to a page that looks like this. Then complete it.
Here's Shiner's Gmail sign up you can use as an example.
Shiner is the little dog, with the blue eye.

Note: When you sign into your Gmail Account it will ask for your User Name.
Your User Name is what you created as 'Your Desired Login Name.' (See Above)    
Now click on Show Me My Account and you will see you new Gmail Account.
Now let's proceed in creating your Google Adwords account to look at what Keywords people are entering
to see if what you want to sell n the Internet is viable. 

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