Sponsorship Package Getting Sponsors

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Every Business Needs A Corporate Sponsorship Proposal

Be sponsored for $10,000, $25,000, $50,000 even $100,000 annually!

(This is included in your Income Activator Annual Subscription)

Any business can have sponsors. Plus, it's free money and it increases the credibility of your businesses. You can get sponsors if you are a start up, kitchen table top entrepreneur or have a full fledged business.

STOP looking for Angel Investors. Instead, look for Angel Sponsor, as they're interest is in your vision NOT in you paying them back with interest. For less than a month's rent you can create a 'tried and true' Sponsorship Proposal and know who to contact, in top level corporations, that can sponsor your business for thousands of dollars annually. 

If you have questions, please feel free to call Lee Romanov directly at 949-545-4211.

Corporate sponsorships have increased over 100% since 2000. It brings these corporations a better return on their investment than spending money on ads. 

Sponsorships bring 3rd party recommendations which increasing their sales up to 40% higher than ads.

Your Sponsorship Package 

1.  Sponsorship Package Template
This Sponsorship Package Template has a track record of getting sponsors like; Microsoft, Staples, FedEx, Marriott Hotels, South West Airlines, and others.  DO NOT find a sponsorship package online as you don't know if that sponsorship package has been rejected several times. You can't afford to risk it.

2. Cover Letter / Email 
This is the pitch letter to help your sponsorship proposal get past the 'gate keepers.'

3. Telephone Intro
This telephone script gives you a guideline on how to talk to your sponsor over the phone to get a meeting.

4. Company List of Sponsors
You receive 500 companies, contact names and phone numbers that do sponsorships.  This list can cost as high as $6,000.00.

Most of these are international companies and you're given all the category types and contact information you need. If you are from another country, simply ask for the representative to contact for your country. 

Why A Company Would Sponsor You

sponsorship money

• Increase brand loyalty
• Create awareness and visibility
• Change / reinforce image
• Drive retail traffic
• Grow customer base
• Open up a desirable geographic territory
• Showcase community responsibility
• Sample and display brand attributes
• Entertain clients
• Narrowcasting- A company can hone in on a niche market
• Recruit and retain employees – events are used as perks for employees
• Merchandising opportunities
• Incentives to retailers, dealers and distributors
• Direct connections with target market
• Putting a friendly face on the company
• Be known as a good corporate citizen
• Forge new links with opinion leaders
• To be on your advisory board if you have influential opinion leaders
• Reward top salespeople
• Attract new customers
• Thank old customers
• Demonstrate category leadership
• Open new channels of distribution
• Create customer loyalty
• Opportunity to test a new product or service
• To make people aware of a line extension
• Chance to tell the public about a lesser known part of the company
• Damage control
• Identification with a particular lifestyle
• Enhance commitment to a demographic or ethnic group
• Drive sales 


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