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NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Neuro refers to your neurology; Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions. In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!

Here are how copywriters produce great taglines and compelling copy no matter what. But first, listen to how NLP expert Derren Brown turns the table on  two advertising ad guys. Very funny!

5 Persuasive Language Patterns Techniques

NLP experts have mastered the art of using persuasive images and language patterns to get you to think in specific ways. These 5 copywriting techniques you can employ immediately to make your copy more compelling.

These are simple techniques but they are also powerful so please employ these strategies with integrity.1. Get a grip on your senses & your target audience.

In NLP calls the five basic senses; visual, auditory, touch, smell and taste. 

So instead of saying…
‘Visit our new Indian restaurant and try the fabulous world class cuisine’

You could say…
‘Visit our new Indian restaurant and savour the fabulous world class cuisine’

2.  Dive straight into their heads.

This is called the ‘awareness pattern’ using words such as; ‘notice’, ‘realize’, ‘aware’, ‘discover’ and ‘see’.

These words subliminally implant suggestions deep inside the ‘prospect’s’ mind behind a seemingly innocent cognitive process.

They work because people’s attention is drawn to the awareness pattern word which they assume to be true and they switch off or put on stand-by their critical thinking brain for the rest of the statement.

Here are some examples:

Have you noticed how everyone assumes that any statement following the word ‘discover’ is true, so seldom ever question it?

Or ... are you aware of how much the price of gold will increase over the next 12 months?
3. Entrance your target audience.

You can also hook in readers by applying the ‘4 Quadrants Hypnotic Pattern Generator’ method. Here’s how it works:

To make a sentence that hooks the reader subconsciously you can apply the following clever little formula of How, What & When.

After your intro to what your topic is about... these 3 elements can be used in whatever order works best for your message with just a few simple linking words such as; ‘and’, ‘while’, ‘because’ added to make it all fit together.

So for example ‘All that really matters to us is how perfectly and quickly you sleep at night and enjoy the sweetest dreams in our luxurious slumber king size beds.’

You can fill up your own one with as many other appropriate words and phrases as you fancy.

Your Intro To Your Topic

You might wonder…   /  All that really matters is…   /   Have you noticed…

How  ….effortlessly  /  ….wonderfully  /  ….perfectly

What  …benefit  /  …sense  /  …enjoy

When  …quickly  /  …whenever  / …any time
4. Understand how to seed ideas into your copy.

NLP has its origins with a supremely skillful psychologist and psychiatrist called Milton Erickson.

This remarkable man had an extraordinary understanding of how the subconscious mind works and luckily for us, how to use it to persuade people to do things he wanted, in their best interests naturally — just like us!.

One of the ways he did this was by ‘seeding’ ideas.

For example he would say; ‘Have you ever been in a trance before? 

This seeds the idea that a trance is definitely going to happen. After that he would keep replanting and watering the idea until the client was ready for what ever he wanted them to do next.

Other phrases you might consider are things like; ‘Can you imagine….?’, ‘Wouldn’t you like to have a fabulous…?’, ‘I wonder if you have ever noticed…’ and ‘Can you remember…’  Get the picture?

This method is easy to apply to copywriting and luckily just as valid!

5. The Magic of Metaphors - Whispering Into Their 3rd Ear.

Metaphors are another great way of talking directly to the subconscious mind.

Story telling is as old as the hills and works just as well in adverts as it does around a camp fire, in a book or at the cinema.

They are effective because:

a) They can suggest a solution to any problem.

b) people can identify with the metaphor.

c) You can embed suggestions within the narrative of the story.

This is perfect for some types of copywriting.  For example:

‘Stopping smoking with this scientifically formulated treatment is like setting out on a wonderful train journey knowing that you have everything you need; timetable, map, tickets, luggage and First Class Super Comfy Seats!’

More Tips

Always, always, always keep it positive.

The subconscious lives in the present and is absolutely rubbish when it comes to dealing with any negatives.

As such always try and keep your language positive, friendly, forward moving and nice and upbeat.

Write about how great it will be when you have whatever it is you are trying to promote rather than the downside of not having it.

So think; ‘Save Lots of Money’ rather than ‘Reduce Unnecessary Expenditure’!

Some examples of words to avoid because they have negative connotations are things like; cannot, fail, guilty, impossible, lose, nothing, nobody, problem, and quit.

And even be really careful when constructing seemingly innocent statements that use these types of words like; ‘Buy our great new shampoo and conditioner, you have nothing to lose’.

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