Many people are getting disastrous results when paying gurus, and buying courses that are supposed to show them how to create profitable online businesses.

This is because most of these people who are teaching, or creating these courses have never made money online themselves!

However, these gurus are well trained in convincing you to give them your money. I know this because I still get taken in by their big promises
 in spite of over 25 of experience with these gurus. Note: Some internet marketers are very good, but you need to do your homework first, before you pay them. 

So to help good people from paying for bad advice, I've decided to create Free Online Videos showing how I've been making money online since 1994, and what steps to take to do this too.

Make sure you're Subscribed to receive these videos by clicking on the orange button. 

Even I Get Scammed!

I created this video just after I was taken for $5000!

I joined a Mastermind group, and the guy that ran it didn't like the fact that the Income Activator website platform was going to cut into his profits when he was promoting inadequate website platforms and expensive add-on software to his group.

So he kicked me out and kept my money! Luckily he caved when I sent him a letter from my lawyer, and I got my money back. Enjoy the video!

The Income Activator website platform has all the software you need to start creating your own online income, and only costs $60 per month, and if it's not right for you, you can cancel without any penalties at anytime.  

You get a fully functional online store where you can sell your own products or services, affiliate products, plus you get award winning ebook templates where you can create and sell you own ebooks.

Income Activator also comes with membership software, pay-per-click and Lead software, allowing you to send, track, and get paid for leads to businesses you recommend. 

Plus, your website comes with hosting, unlimited bandwidth and pages. 

To get your website now, complete the form to the right.
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Activator Website Now
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