Income Activator has the following 4 Affiliate Programs you can sell regardless if you have your own Income Activator Website.

1. Website Subscription & TV Show Spotlight

Income Activator's Website Subscription & Hosting costs $60 per month, although when paid annually ($720) it comes with a 5 Minute TV Show Spotlight live streaming on Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Google Play, Roku TV and Android TV.

When a person, you refer, gets their Website & TV Show Spotlight, you're paid 50% or $360 instantly. Plus, when they renew you're paid $360 on renewal.

When 100 people, you refer, get their Website & TV Show Spotlight you earn $36,000 annually!

About The Website Builder

The Income Activator Website Subscription gives you a pre-built website saving you time & money.  You don't have to send your valuable time, creating pages, adding forms, and setting up auto-responders.

It includes hosting, and all revenue software you need to create an online income (e-commerce store, membership software, pay-per-click & lead tracking software). You also receive videos on how to edit your website, and marketing videos on how to get visitor traffic to your website and how to convert that traffic in to revenue. 

About The TV Show Spotlight

The 5 Minute TV Show Spotlight live streams on Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Google Play, Roku TV and Android TV.  Here, you can tell the world who you are, and what your online business has to offer! 

This gives you a potential audience of over 50 million households! This is being offered to you in partnership with

Note: The costs this video refers to does not apply you. Your 5 minute TV Show Spotlight is free with your Income Activator Annual Subscription.

2.  Hire A Webmaster

Hire A WebmasterMost entrepreneurs are busy, and don't want to build their own website.

The average cost to build a website is $2,500 of which you're paid $500 in commission.  

The purchase of this product can be set up through your own Merchant Account or PayPal. You collect the money, and pay Income Activator for its webmaster services. Or you can use an Affiliate Link, and send the purchase straight to Income Activator. You're paid on a sliding scale if the job costs more or less.

When your visitor pays, talks to the webmaster, and does not wish to proceed, their $2,500.00 is refunded immediately.

About Building A Website

It is hard to find a trusted webmaster, especially ones that know design, and have the search engine optimization skills (SEO) necessary to get visitors to your website, and how to convert your traffic into revenue. Our webmasters have done countless Income Websites.

We can match any design you see online, and have 
numerous designs to select from. Using a trusted webmaster leaves the website owner to focus on getting their revenue streams in place, and to promote their online business.

 3.  Online Mentor

internet expertLee Romanov can be hired to consult on existing online businesses, or you can have her create your own HUB Website with private consultations.  Lee provides 10 hours of one-to-one coaching in any area of online marketing, and revenue generation. Her specialty is 'how to make money' online.  Lee is also one of the few people in North America with her Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Certification.

The cost to hire Lee Romanov as a Mentor is $3000, of which you receive $500 in commission.

When someone wants to truly learn how to create an online income there's no one better than Lee Romanov.  Lee has made millions of dollars online, and her last internet business sold to one of the largest media corporations in North America, TORSTAR, for millions.   Lee enjoys teaching entrepreneurs what she knows to help them achieve the success she's experienced.

The purchase of this product can be set up through your own Merchant Account or PayPal. You collect the money, and pay Income Activator for its mentoring services. Or you can use an Affiliate Link, and send the purchase straight to Income Activator.

 About Lee Romanov

Lee speaks to SOLD OUT audiences that hang on every word, and piece of advice! Romanov reports; "Most Gurus that tell you how to get visitor traffic to your website, and how to make money online have never done it themselves. You need to listen the people that have!"

Lee Romanov is self made, and has been making millions of dollars online since 1994. She knows what works and what doesn't, and tells you exactly what to do and what to avoid! Lee is the president of, a website builder focused on revenue generation. Her last online business, she created in 1994, sold to media giant Torstar, is still running today, and making millions of dollars from lead revenue.   

4. GET RICH... By Telling People Where To Go

get rich bookThis is our gift to you.

You can use our GET RICH eBook as a promotion, or sell it on your online store, and keep 100% of the profits. Plus, you decide on the price.

Here's your copy of GET RICH

This is one of the most honest books ever written about making money online. Simply STOP giving your advice away for free, and watch the money flow in online!

Book Index

P 2 - Your Opinion Has A Market Value
P 3 - Formula to Making Money Online
P 4 - Sales vs Lead
P 5 - Why Aren't We All Internet Millionaires?!
P 6 - What BIG Money Companies Do… That YOU Don't DO
P 9 - You're A Star Ship Captain
P 10 - You Can Do… What BIG Money Companies Do!
P 11 - STOP Paying For A Website… Let Your Site Pay YOU
P 13 - 10 Revenue Models You Can Activate
P 17 - What's A Lead Worth?
P 18 - Get Leads & Give Leads
P 19 - Using YouTube's Video
P 22 - Get Visitor Traffic
P 23 - BRAND New YOU
P 24 - No One Knows You're A Dog… When You're Online
P 25 - Be Your Own Directory!
P 28 - Give Up Your Facebook Drama… For Dollars
P 29 - STOP Giving It Away For FREE
P 30 - Car Carma… Be Ready For BIG Traffic
P 32 - Make Money Writing Your Book
P 34 - Passion + Purpose
P 36 - Share Your TOP Secrets
P 37 - Search Engines… OMG
P 41 - YOU Are Now An SEO Expert
P 42 - Become A Global Authority
P 43 - They Are Not Your Friends
P 46 - OH Sheep
P 49 - Crystal Ball Predictions
P 50 - Life Isn't About Finding Yourself

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