hackerDEF CON is the world's longest running and largest underground hacking conference. It's where Hackers, corporate IT professionals, FBI agents, Police, business people in every field and the media merge. 

DEF CON’s theme this year is “1983: The View from Dystopia’s Edge” (Conference: Aug. 10 to 12, 2018)

Here's the Speaker List and Presentations... 

 I have a Media Pass and if you have a question about Hacking, Internet Censorship, or Identity Theft, I'll see if I can get your question answered.  

DEF CON Question
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DEF CON Conference

Among other reasons, I'm at this conference to ensure the Income Activator website platform stays safe from hackers, and to keep Income Activator website owners informed of potential risks! 

Unfortunately hackers target large website platforms like WordPress, GoDaddy, WIX and so forth, to cause the greatest damage. These platforms rarely help you fix the destruction caused by the hacker, and usually costs the website owner $1000's to fix their website.  Income Activator fixes hacks for free, and I am proud to say the there has only been 3 failed attacks in the last 10 years. 

Beware Of The 'One Ring' Cell Phone Scam!

Pat Foran and I did many stories together. He'll be pleased I'm spreading the word, and hopefully you won't be the next Victim of a the 'One Ring Scam!"

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