You may find when you're adding copy to your editor the font and sizes may differ. This is because the editor picks up the styling of copied pages, and random entries from your key strokes.

Before copying your text into your editor, copy it into your Text Cleaner first. This should get rid of most of the styling issues.

This also helps:

1. Highlight all your content in the editor.

2. Click on the Remove Format icon that looks like an eraser.

3. Select a SIZE from the drop-down menu.

4. Then select ‘Normal’ from the drop-down menu.

If you're still are having font and size issues after trying the above, email with the page URL and our tech department will fix it for you for free. 

NOTE: If your text jumps off the page when you click the Enter Key, to get is backhold the Shift Key down & press the Z Key.  To keep your text from jumping off your page, hold down the Shift Key down & click Enter.

font and sizing


Spell Check & Incon Descriptions

To spell check your page, click on the ABC icon. To view your additional icon tools, click on the Icon Description ? mark.





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