The Perfect Website Page

The perfect website page does 3 things (explanations below):
1.  Provides Good Visitor Navigation.
2.  Creates Authority Positioning.
3. Makes Money.

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Provides Good Visitor Navigation

Captivating Title: Must capture interest on your topic.

Keyword Rich Description: Grap a video from YouTube about your topic. Make sure the video is either trending or has high viewer ship. Describe your page's topic and the video using keywords people would you to search to find the video.

Video Index: The index allows visitors to easily review more content and stay on your website.

Subscribe: Always capture email addresses and maintain contact with your subscribers. If you do, they will eventually become your clients, or at the least tell people about you.

Visitor Contribution: Invite your visitors to contribute content.  This increases visitor loyalty and can also turn into a revenue stream by asking the visitor if they want you to send them leads or promote their products.
Creates Authority Positioning

Your Opinion: Give your opinion about the video. This positions you as an authority.

Your Recommendations: The money is in the recommendations. This is especially true when you have Positioned yourself as an authority.

Visitors do 2 things online.  1) They search for Information. 2) Then they look for recommendations. Tell your visitors what to do next that will lead them to buy something or to send you a lead by completing the form.

Makes Money

Lead Revenue: You can  create referral forms that allow you to send leads to either yourself or business that pays you. Your leads are tracked and your invoices are automatically created.

Store Products: Can sell your own products or affiliate products. information products from ClickBank can pay up to 75% Commission,  and physical products through Commission Junction can pay up to 10% Commission.

Link Revenue: You can create your own pay per click links using Income Activators pay per click tracking software. Or you can add affiliate links to your page and generate revenue from Affiliate sales.

Pay Per Click Ads: You can create your own pay per click ads using Income Activators pay per click tracking software. Or you can register for free to companies like AdMedia and Google AdSense. Google pays you 65% of what the advertiser pays them when a visitor to your site clicks on one of these ads.

You Income Activator website platform has these page templates, the revenue software and the marketing strategies you need to make money online! Get your website by completing the form above and to the right.

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Activator Website Now
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