Presentation 1 -  
Turn Your Message Into A Million Dollar Business

Everyone has a message to the world!

Message into millions

Your message doesn't have to be groundbreaking.

It's simply something that 'YOU KNOW' that you can share with other people to 'HELP THEM' out.

I had taken a very simple message, and sent $5 leads to businesses that could help out my visitors. By spreading my message, I averaged $50,000 per month. I never ever sold a thing!

My website was later bought for over 2 million dollars.

Join me at this presentation, and I will tell you what I did, and how you can do it too!

Location:   Max Igan's Bar

Date & Time:  Sunday, Feb. 12, 2023  From 4 pm to 5 pm

Price To Attend:  Free

Presentation 2 - Thriving From Online Income

Lee Romanov has been thriving and living by creating her own online income since 1994.

Thriving OnlineHer last website sold to Media Giant TORSTAR for over 2 million dollars. Her business did NOT sell a thing!

Romanov Reports, “You don’t do what million-dollar online businesses do, and million-dollar online businesses don’t do what you do.

Online entrepreneurs have been trained to work hard, and most go broke trying to create their own online income!”

Lee tells you how these multi-million-dollar websites make their online income & how you can copy what they do to create your own true online wealth.

It's easier than you can imagine!!!

Location:  Max Igan's Bar

Date & Time:  Monday, Feb. 13, 2023  From 4 pm to 5 pm

Price To Attend:  Free

Presentation 3 - GET RICH... Buy Telling  People Where To Go

Entrepreneurs don't do what multi-million-dollar companies do, multi-million-dollar companies don't do what entrepreneurs do.

Entrepreneurs create their own content, products, and sell to their visitor traffic.

get rich bookMulti-million-dollar companies DO NOT create their own content, products, and DO NOT sell to their visitor traffic.

Multi-million-dollar companies get their content for FREE, and send LEADS to businesses that pay them. That's it.

Have you ever noticed Google's Homepage is just a search bar sending leads to businesses that pay them? 

A Photography Website takes pictures, and tries to sell their pictures to their visitors. Whereas a multi-million-dollar company invites people to give them their pictures, and sends leads to businesses that pay them. That's Pinterest, bringing in 1.6 billion dollars last year.

All Truthers can easily setup the income model to run passively on their websites.

Lee Romanov wrote the book, GET RICH ... By Telling People Where To Go.

Lee's made millions of dollars sending leads to businesses that paid her, and will show you how you can do it too.

Location:   Max Igan's Bar
Date & Time:  Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2023  From 4 pm to 5 pm

Price To Attend:  Free

Presentation 4 - TRUTHS Truth Tellers Are Missing

Truthe Truth teller are missingThe Truth is that Truth Tellers exploded on the scene around 2014, and completely ignored the income strategies that the long time Internet Marketers were doing to make millions of dollars online. 

We saw your mistakes, but you wouldn't listen. Now most Truth Tellers, or Freedom Fighters, depend on subscription or donations to survive. That's the hardest way to create an online income.

There's a better way, and there always has been. 

stop begging for donationsYour voice has a Market Value, and your visitor actions can create income for you.

And I Do Not Mean By 3rd Party PPC Ads. That's just another way the so-called-controllers are using you.

I have been making money online and living very comfortably from it since 1994.

Please join me as I tell you some strategies you may wish to incorporate into what you are doing, and things you are doing that you may wish to avoid.

Location:   Max Igan's Bar
Date & Time:  Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2023  From 4 pm to 5 pm

Price To Attend:  Free

Presentation 5 - Websites Are Meant To Make Money

STOP... Paying for a website, let your website pay you.

online incomeThis presentation  shows you how you can create an online income from your advice.  Your opinion has a market value, and you can use it to create a passive online income for yourself.

I'm Lee Romanov, and I have been living off my online income since 1994, and I will show you what I do to create instant and recurring income so you can do it too.

Many website platforms like WordPress, GoDaddy, WIX, etc., are a little more than an online brochure, and online brochures do not make money. The most shocking is stop big tech controlthat the entrepreneur is never given the revenue software that is exclusively used by the multi-million-dollar companies like Google, YouTube, Pinterest, Facebook, AngiesList, HomeAdvisor, etc.

The biggest mistake entrepreneurs make is using other companies' platforms, like YouTube, Facebook, Bitchute, Rumble, Odyssey, etc., to promote and run their own business on. These platforms have proven over, and over again, that they can instantly delete your entire revenue stream, or businesses at will.

There are many other strategies to get visitor traffic, that gives you far more control over your online business.

I will also be talking about how to avoid Website Censorship!

Location:   Max Igan's Bar
Date & Time:  Thursday, Feb. 16, 2023  From 4 pm to 5 pm
Price To Attend:  Free

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