From Street Peddling to 1.2 Million Dollars!

Amanda went from peddling on the street, asking for food, a place to crash... to crowdfunding...
and raised an astonishing 1.2 million dollars.

How did she do it?!

She learned the ART of ASKING... and how to connect with people.

Nothing Happens If You Don't Ask

people want to help, and they help when they feel a genuine connection.

Here's a fascinating video of Amanda Palmer talking about the Art of Asking.

People Will Help You... If Your Ask

By the very act of asking people.... you can connect with people... and people will help you.

It's not easy to ask... asking makes you vulnerable. We're all vulnerable, and understanding that and knowing it's okay to be vulnerable is a big lesson we need to learn.

You need to learn to give. You need to also learn how to receive... fearlessly, and without shame.

Business isn't only about sales. It's also about your work, your fears, troubles, mistakes, successes, frustrations, goals, and desires.  Let people see you. Let them in. That brings trust, and help... when you ask for it.

You can crowdfund with your Income Activator website platform by asking for donations. ASK us for the page template if you want to feature a donation, or contribution section on your website.

Note: Be careful of some crowdfunding websites. In the beginning they were good, but now they can be expensive and not worth it. You may be far better off creating your own viral campaign through email marketing.

I Asked For Help

Asking is critical to your business and making money.  

In 1994, I wanted to send insurance leads to brokers. I didn't know anyone in the industry.
I needed help, direction, and contacts.

I Asked

I asked someone I barely knew, if he knew anyone in the insurance industry that may consider paying me $5 for car insurance leads. He told me to call his friend Tom.

I called Tom, and I asked him if he was interested in paying $5 for each car insurance lead I sent him. Tom said yes.


Those $5 leads turned into $50,000 a month! Tom was happy to pay for these leads... as he was making a pile of money from insurance sales, and of course I was ecstatic too!

That's where I got the money to create the Income Activator website builder. 

I created Income Activator because I wanted people like you to experience the same kind of online success that I had.

Most website builders lure you in with their free offers, that give you little more than an online brochure, and online brochures don't make you money.

Then they quickly turn you into their revenue stream... when you realize you need to buy the software that Income Activator comes with. 

So again.... I find myself ASKING for help.

Below is a chart that compares the Income Activator website builder to other website builders. If you feel the value is there, please pass this onto your friends and family, and let them know about Income Activator. 

Thank you,

Lee Romanov

Comparison Chart

Included   Not Included
Features That Run On Other Websites & Blogs

Features & Add-Ons
Total Monthly Cost
Including Hosting
All Inclusive
Online Forms
$25 - $65
$8 - $25
$25 - $200
Online Store
$19 - $149
Ready-To-Go Website                
Ready-To-Go Mobile Website                
Customized Website                
Create Pages By Typing                
Add Pictures, Videos, Links                
Photo Albums & Sliders                
Can Edit HTML Code                
Page Templates                
Easy Maneuverability                
Embed A Website                
Revenue Models                
Online Store (eCommerce)                
Your Own Affiliate Program                
Sell Your Own eBook                
Sell Affiliate Products                
Sell White Label Products                
Memberships / Subscriptions                
Google Pay Per Click (PPC)                
Your Own PPC Referrals This feature can run on other websites.                
Send Leads To Companies This feature can run on other websites.                
Directory Referrals This feature can run on other websites.                
Build & Sell IA Websites                
Unlimited Email Messaging                
Import Names & Emails                
Personalized Emails                
Open, Click, Bounce Tracking                
Marketing Strategies                
Search Engine Optimization                
Create Forms & surveys This feature can run on other websites.                
Form Auto Responders This feature can run on other websites.                
Embedded Forms This feature can run on other websites.                
Website Hosting                
Unlimited Bandwidth                
Unlimited Storage                
Personal Email Accounts                
Business Gmail Email                
Create A Blog                
Visitor Commenting                
Help & Support                
Article & Product RSS Feeds                
Free $100 AdWords Coupon                
Additional Login Accounts                
Google Analytics                
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Activator Website Now
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