Join Us This Wednesday for the next We EmPOWER You Weekly Meeting!
Ever Wednesday at 3 pm PST, SHARP - How To Create An Online Income!
We EmPOWER You Complimentary Zoom Marketing Meetings. Meeting ID: 876 0623 1073 / Password: 978703
 You Are NOW The MEDIA... So Start Making Money From It!
Marketing Meeting, Wednesday, July 28th at 3 pm sharp PST.
Paid columnist for the National Newspaper, The Globe And Mail, The Toronto Star.
Talk TV Host of her own show, for 4 years, on the most watched Breaking New Station in Canada.
Lee Romanov shows you how to;
1. Get Interviewed
2. EarnIncomeFrom Interviews
3. Create your OwnMedia Profile & interview people you never thought would take your calls.
Here Is Only A Sample Of The Many Media Interviews By Lee Romanov / You Are NOW The Media Video...
There is Either Change or NO Change
Turn Your Message Into A Million Dollar Business
Marketing Meeting, Wednesday, July 21th at 3 pm sharp PST.
This week's Marketing Meeting will show you the formula used by the multi-million dollar online businesses to create their revenue stream.
Plus you will receive the tools you need to copy this strategy.
See You At The Meeting,
Lee Romanov, President,
Marketing Meeting, Wednesday, July 14th.
More about the meeting:
This week's Marketing Meeting will stun, amaze, delight, shock & blow your mind.
You'll discover why people continually fall for clickbait.
The process is simple & it works even when they recognize it for what it is.
See You At The Meeting,
Lee Romanov, President,
THE RICH COPY CAT - Wednesday, July 7 - 3 pm PST SHARP
More about the meeting:
Making Money Online has been my only source of income since 1994, and you could say, I've perr-fected these Revenue Strategies. That being said, I've found it easier to teach people how to create their own online income, by simply copying what I do.
See You At The Meeting,
Lee Romanov, President,
Prep Your Business & Keep The Money Coming!
Who would have guessed 2 years ago that people would be locked down, with worldwide business closures and everyone wearing masks. Worse, we cannot even predict what's going to be coming at us in the next 2 years.
This Wednesday, June 9th. Get you free ticket here:
Weekly Marketing Meetings * Creating Online Income
Every Wednesday at 3 pm PST we show you how to create Online Income, have your Own TV Show, get Sponsored,
where to find Free Advertising, acquire Authority & Celebrity Status and receive Annual Membership Revenue!
There's been a lot of abuse online from;
1. Facebook selling your information to advertisers.
2. Google demonetizing your pay per click revenue.
3. YouTube deleting your account and subscribers.
4. Twitter censoring your messages.
5. Website Platforms designed to up sell you on the software they've left out.
6. Gurus teaching you how to create an income, when the only way they've
done it is by taking your money.
We the people are putting a stop to this. We are;
1. Putting our own content on our own website, instead of Facebook, and using Facebook to drive traffic to our website.
2. Getting our own advertisers and cutting out the middleman, like Google.
3. Creating YouTube videos that send people to our website to subscribe.
4. Sending out our own messages through email and text, instead of Twitter.
5. Showing you how to build a website, get traffic and create an online income.
6. Using Income Activator's all-inclusive website platform where all the revenue software is included.